Modern Slavery Statement | The Learning Experience

Modern Slavery Statement

The Learning Experience is committed to ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking within any part of its business or its supply chains. The Company strives to achieve this through its recruitment policies and procedures and supplier due diligence processes. Our approach to procurement of resources reflects the commitment to act ethically, in line with the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) Base Code as the minimum labour standards it expects from its suppliers as well as requiring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act. ETI Base Code • Employment is freely chosen • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected • Working conditions are safe and hygienic • Child labour shall not be used • Living wages are paid • Working hours are not excessive • No discrimination is practiced • Regular employment is provided • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed. We affirm our commitment to empower those vulnerable to slavery, to advance emancipation, and to promote access to decent work.